And how InnoQare can help...
Patients that stay in the hospital longer than clinically necessary increase financial pressure on the hospital. By improving delays in patient flow, the Qareon project leads to a significant reduction in lengths of stay, directly relieving the financial pressure. Just imagine: a length of stay reduction of 20% would mean the difference between 500 beds occupied and 400 beds occupied.
High work pressure is predicted to increase in the coming years, along with all its adverse effects (e.g. employee dissatisfaction, increased sickness rates, colleagues transferring to hospitals that have better work processes or simply leaving the medical field completely). The Qareon project reduces work pressure by resolving bottlenecks and increasing efficiency.
Staff shortages lead to locked beds which leads to fewer patients being treated and thereby reduced income. By resolving bottlenecks in work processes, the Qareon project frees up staff to treat more patients with the limited time and resources available.
Patients waiting for diagnostic, therapy, discharge
The goal of the Qareon project is for patients to be in the hospital only as long as clinically necessary. By reducing unnecessary waiting time (eg. patients waiting due to miscommunication), the Qareon project speeds up patient care, reduces clinical risk, and increases patient satisfaction. Hospital resources are released, work pressure decreases, and the number of patients the hospitals can help increases.
Hospital length of stay above 95% InEK
The Qareon project can reduce length of stay WITHOUT a change in clinical dismissal criteria. On average, organizational delays impact 1 out of 7 patients. The Qareon project's tract record shows that by addressing the reasons for delay, hospitals can reduce length of stay by 10-15%!